Meaning of Life in a Dream
October 19, 2022What is a Field of Dreams strategy?

Field of Dreams Syndrome (FoDS), is the idea that in business “If you build it, they will come.” In other words, a dewy-eyed dreamer rushes into business after an idea pops into their head that will change the world. All they have to do is set up shop and the orders will come rushing in.
Google's featured snippet comes from the Medium post from Meredith Lynch with a single post (Published in The Startup · Jun 6, 2019)
Question: How to Avoid FoDS?
Answer: Meredith cannot emphasize how important it is to have someone to discuss your business strategy with before you start and as you go along. Meredith hired a business consultant at the beginning of entrepreneurial life, and it was well worth the high price tag to make sure it wasn’t out of touch with reality.
Field of Dreams | "If You Build It, He Will Come"
Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella is inspired by a voice he can't ignore to pursue a dream he can hardly believe.
Supported by his wife, Ray begins the quest by turning his ordinary cornfield into a place where dreams can come true.
“Doing business in blind positivity is death by a thousand line items.”

Field of Dreams Syndrome is a psychological disorder in which people believe that if they make a wish for something, it will come true. This can lead to dangerous consequences, as people may try to make unrealistic or dangerous wishes in order to achieve their goals.
Read More: https://medium.com/swlh/field-of-dreams-syndrome-death-for-business